Re: Florin vs Latin small letter F with Hook U+0192
That’s best, given the situation. Obviously Unicode should never have unified that encoding in the first place. The font that displays in the Typedrawers’ comment input/edit field has this descending…1 -
Re: Should a Desktop License include Use in Online Design Tools?
Cough ... CFF ... cough.2 -
Re: FontRadar
@"Axel CORJON" I was really hoping you would, so thank you for the detailed insights. I understand your need for the business model you have developed, and why you think a subcription model…4 -
Re: Digital Greek Typography is Broken
@"Denis Moyogo Jacquerye" But this is exactly what Greek typography experts are saying is wrong, and have been saying so for decades. U+0387 sits at the x-height (or at the smallcap height,…1 -
Re: Reverse Italic, Backslanted, Cilati
Did someone say gelati?1